The Benefits of A Good Massage
When thinking about a massage it is easy to only focus on the relaxing effects of it as this is the most noticeable. While this is true, massages are a lot more. A massage is a great way to relax, but it also affects your health. Professional athletes use massage as a way of rejuvenating and improving sore muscles as well as man other benefits.
So, here are 6 reasons why you should get a massage, especially when on holiday in paradise:
#1: A Massage will Counteract Sitting:
Most people sit for almost the entire day. This is not natural and our bodies suffer from it. It is not surprising to see that so many people suffer from terrible pains and aches related to their sedentary lives. A massage eases this pain and damage by removing tension stored in the muscles and improves posture.
#2: A Massage can Calm You Down:
One of the main benefits of getting a massage is that you won’t only be taking care of your physical body but you will be taking care of your mind as well. Getting a massage is a great way to sooth stress, anxiety, and even depression. Massage relives stresses that have accumulated in the body, accompanied by the human tough which is hugely healing for our wellbeing.
#3: A Massage Can Ease Muscle Pain:
Stiff muscles are a side effect of a busy life. Massage increases and improves circulation.
There are many published studies showing that there is a positive effect from massage in people who suffer from chronic back pain.
A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine stated that massage will increase the white blood cell count in the body.
#4: A Massage Improves Your Sleep:
The calming effect of a massage is something you can take home with you. The release of muscles and comfort of human touch naturally clams the body and mind. This is also effective with children, a massage before bedtime will help with a calmer and deeper sleep.
#5: A Massage Can Boost Your Immune System:
In 2010 a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine stated that massage will increase the white blood cell count in the body. White blood cells are highly important in the body as they fend of diseases. A well-functioning immune system has a high count of these cells.
#6: A Massage Can Relieve Headaches:
As massage works with pressure and energy in the body, it can be very helpful in reliving headaches. A good massage won’t only decrease the severity of your headaches as it will also decrease their frequency.